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2023-10-30 娱乐八卦 12133 作者:贝莱孕育

Picking Wonders

Long ago,scholars selected the seven greatest works built by human beings-the Seven Wonders of the Ancienlt World.

These wonders honored the courage and power to do things people thought couldn't be done. The Great Pyramid of Egypt is the only Ancient Wonder still standing.

Hundreds of years later, a group of engineers asked experts around the world to select seven new wonders. Their list of Modern Wonders honored the same ideas as the Ancient Wonders.




数百年后,全球众多专家应一组工程师邀请,评选出新的七大奇迹。他们所选出的"现代奇迹" 与"古代奇迹" 体现出相同的代表意义。

Channel Tunnel(England/France)英法海底隧道


Let's start in England and France. Imagine traveling 31 miles through an underwater tunnel at close to 100 miles per hour. The Channel Tunnel , or Chunnel , provides speedy travel between England and France. The trip takes about 20 minutes.

此次旅行让我们从英法启程。设想要以每小时100英里的速庭穿过一条水下通道,行走31 英里。英法每底隧道就在英、法两国主间提供了一条这样的快速通道。全程需要约2 0约钟。

People had dreamed of this tunnel for years. The work was hard and risky. It took about 13,000 people from. 1987 to 1994 to build three tunnels a total of 95 miles long. First, workers dug huge chunks of chalk and clay from the bottom of the English Channel. Then they built the tunnels under the water!

多年来,人们一直梦想有这样一条隧道。隧道建造工程艰险重重。从1987年到1994年,大约13000名工人的辛苦努力打造出总长为95 英里的三条隧道。

起初, 工人们在英吉利海峡底部挖掘大量的泥灰质白垩岩。然后他们就在水下建造出了隧道!

Passengers can now ride through the Chunnel in buses and cars that are loaded onto the widest trains ever built. One tunnel allows train travel from England to France while a second allows travel in the opρosite direction. The third tunnel is a service tunnel used forrepairs and emergencies.

A couple of years after the Chunnel opened, a fire started in one of the tunnels. A fire could have killed many, but the Channel Tunnel had plans for emergencies.

乘害们现在可以乘汽车到轿车通过隧道,这些车辆装载于海底隧道列车之内, 这些列车也是世界上最宽的列车。三条隧道中的一条从英国开往法国。另一条从法国开往英国;第三条是服务隧道,用于修缮或应对紧急情况。


People were taken off the train and led to the tunnel used for repairs and emergencies. Some people became sick from the smoke and were taken to the hospital. However, no one died or was seriously hurt. The safety plans saved the day.

当时车上的乘客被转移出列车, 改乘用于修缮和应急的那条隧道。有部分乘客因为浓烟而感觉不适被送往医院。但没有人丧生或受重伤。正是这些应急方案发挥了作用。






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